American Legion
Post 735
American Legion Post 735
Boys' State of New York
There are five (5) basic elements to The American Legion Boys' State of New York program:
- Government: It will be your task to develop a mythical state by nominating and electing your fellow Boys' Staters to each office on
the city, county, and state government level.
- Marines: There will be a contingent of United States Marines who will direct and train you in the proper procedures of drill (marching),
room preparation, and physical training. Note: These men are United States Marines. Their job is to assist you. Please listen and obey them, and, by the
end of the week, you will be pleased and proud.
- Athletic and Activities: The Boys' State sports program leads to state champions in basketball, softball, volleyball, cross country track, and tennis.
There is a swimming pool, weight room, and track which can be used for workouts during specified hours of the day. Unfortunately, there is not enough space or equipment for soccer, baseball, or lacrosse; although pick-up games are possible if space
is available and does not interfere with regularly scheduled events. Activities include the Boys' State band, chorus, newspaper, web site, power point exhibit, and the
possibility of running the Boys' State television station.
- Speakers: Each morning there will be an assembly during which officials from city, county, and state governments will discuss their jobs.
There will be talk about patriotism, respect for the flag, and our democratic form of government. A demonstration by the New York State Police and talks by representatives from the different branches of our armed services may
be included in the daily programs.
One of the major experiences at Boys' State is the interaction of participants with their city, county, and state counselors. These men and women volunteer one week of their time in order to help you
reach the goals set out by The American Legion Boys' State. Many of these counselors have served in the military and would be glad to share their experiences with you.
In addition to these individuals, there are many others, including educators, lawyers, policeman, administrators, and businessmen who will provide you with valuable information and life experiences. Please remember these people are volunteers and should be treated with respect.
Overall, Boys' State will become one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. You will learn a great deal about yourself and meet some of the finest young men in New York State.
Attending The American Legion Boys' State of New York will leave you with a deep feeling of satisfaction at having succeeded at one of life's most prestigious and challenging experiences.
 | Serving West Seneca Veterans Since 1919 |
Post 735 is interested in your comments or suggestions. If you have a suggestion or an idea that will help our Post serve its members better, we want to hear from you.
Contact American Legion Post 735 with your comments.