American Legion Post 735

35 Legion Parkway
West Seneca
New York 14224

(716) 675-7613
Fax: (716) 675-0365

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American Legion
Post 735

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American Legion Post 735

Legion Hall Rental

Seating:     85 people

Hall Rental Fees:

    Any Legion Member in Good Standings can rent the hall    
or basement hall for an event.
Rental Fees for Post 735 members:
No Deposit Required
    Outside Legion Members
(Any Post Member in Good Standings)
Renter must produce their Valid Legion Post ID Card to rent the hall
Rental Fees for Non-Post Legion Members:        
Refundable Deposit:  $100.00        
Total Fee:  $250.00
The deposit will be refunded to the renter
by mail in a timely fashion after your event.

Click on the Calendar Icon if you want to see if a rental date is available or check to see if your rental date has been reserved

Click on Calendar Icon
2025 Calendar
for printable PDF File

Rental Stipulations for American Legion Post 735 Hall

1      No alcoholic beverage can be removed from the premises or taken outside of the Post 735 building for consumption.
2      No Stags / Stagettes.
3      All drinks must be purchased from the Post.
4      The renter must ensure that minors do not receive alcoholic beverages.
5      No person who appears intoxicated shall be served alcoholic beverages.
6      Beverage service shall be at the sole discretion of the Post 735 Bartender.
7      The kitchen refrigerator can be used by the renter to hold food brought in for the event. Use of other kitchen equipment and supplies is not allowed.
8      No food preparation is allowed on the premises.
9      All events must end by 12:00AM.
10      American Legion Post 735 is a smoke free facility.
11      Teenage events must include at least two adult chaperones (parents).
12      Renter will be responsible for any and all costs to repair damage to the facility, furniture, equipment, or grounds and any excessive clean–up.
13      Nothing shall be attached in any fashion to the walls, doors or ceilings of the building.
14      Trash will be bagged and all floors should be swept and tables wiped clean before renter leaves the premises.
15      Noise of any kind must be kept at a reasonable volume in compliance with Town of West Seneca ordinances.
16      Member renting must be present at all times during event.

American Legion Post 735 reserves the right to add additional rules or stipulations for the use of the facility at any time and may waive or change rental fees at its discretion.

    For more information, contact: Mike McCarthy    (716) 860-0785     or click here to email

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Serving West Seneca Veterans Since 1919

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Post 735 is interested in your comments or suggestions.
If you have a suggestion or an idea that will help our Post serve its members better, we want to hear from you.

Contact American Legion Post 735 with your comments.

Copyright 2004          American Legion Post 735, West Seneca, New York U.S.A.          All rights Reserved.