American Legion Post 735

35 Legion Parkway
West Seneca
New York 14224

(716) 675-7613
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Post 735

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American Legion Post 735


Post 735 Newsletter
March 2025
Volume 25       Issue 03

Commander:   Daniel Lagoda

Chaplain:   Cindy Schwartz 585-993-0719


Service Officer:   Tony Drzyzga 716-697-9084

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Fish Fry dinners are back on Friday Night! Join your host, Tony’s Catering for a delicious dinner. 4:00pm - 7:30pm

Commander's Message

Commander Lagoda reports:

    Happy 106th Birthday!! The American Legion birthday is March 15th.

    I hope everyone had a great month. The Post was very busy in February and March will be the same. There are many good events planned for March so come support your Post.

    Upcoming events:

    March 5th       Auxiliary Meeting       7:00PM with first round officer nominations
    March 10th       Shuffleboard        7:00PM
    March 11th       General Meeting        7:35 PM with first round officer nominations
    March 16th       St. Patrick's Day dinner        2:00PM-6:00PM
    March 17th       Son's Meeting        7:35PM with first round nominations
    March 18th       Post work detail       9:00AM
    March 20th       Hot Dog/Hamburger Roast       5:00PM-7:00PM
    March 23rd       Seneca Allegany Casino Trip
    March 24th       Shuffleboard

    Buffalo-Niagara Honor Flight is holding their first All-Female Honor Flight Mission to Washington D.C. in October 2025. Women who served in WWII, Korea and Vietnam can submit an application to attend. Applications are reviewed on a first come first served basis. Further information and applications can be obtained on their website This flyer is also posted on the bulletin board.

    Have nothing to do on Monday nights? Come to the Post and play shuffleboard, March 10th, 24th and April 7th, 28th starting at 7 PM. Stop down to have fun and meet new friends.

    Wear your R.E.D. shirts on Fridays to remember the deployed Service members. When you do, you will be able to receive the drink special all day long. Don't have a R.E.D. shirt? The Post has an order form behind the bar to order locally made t-shirts or you can buy them online.

    Fish Fry Friday! Tony’s Catering continues to cook excellent food every Friday 4:00 PM-7:30 PM. If you don’t want fish, there are plenty of other options on the menu.

    Live music continues on Saturday night, come out to dance and have a great time.

    Important dates for March: March 5th (Seabee Birthday), March 15th (American Legion Birthday), March 17th (St. Patrick’s Day) and March 21st (Rosie the Riveter Day).

    Have a great month everyone and I'll see you at the Post.

Sick Call & Relief

Chaplain Cindy Schwartz reports:

    God bless our veterans and active military.

1st Vice Commander PC

Lou Pawlowski reports:

    Membership is doing well. As of 2/24/25 we have 300 paid members. We still have about 80 members that still haven't renewed their membership.

    New members are also very important to the survival of our wonderful post. Please try to recommend friends, relatives, neighbors, that are veterans to join our Post.

2nd Vice-Commander

Jerry Johnson reports:


      March 1st:     Rhythm Rockers     7:00pm – 10:00pm    
      March 4th:     Dave Adrian     2:00pm – 5:00pm   
      March 8th:     Pete Kremer      7:00pm – 10:00pm   
      March 22nd:     DJ Don     7:00pm – 10:00pm   
      March 25th:     Diamond Sound      2:00pm – 5:00pm   
      March 29th:     Mike Skowronski     7:00pm – 10:00pm   

    Bunny Rolloff starts March 11, 2025. See bartender for more information.


Commander Bob Saar reports:

    The SAL has 45 outstanding members. Please get your dues in if not you will be considered delinquent, also if you have moved, please let the SAL know your new address. Thank you to all who showed up for the dance.

Auxiliary Past President

Mary Ann Kessler reports:

    If your Auxiliary membership card does not read 2025, you are delinquent on your membership dues. You are not permitted to take part in Auxiliary or Post 735 functions. Please stop in to the Post & pay your dues or mail to American Legion 735, 35 Legion Pkwy, West Seneca, NY 14224 Attn: Membership.

Board of Directors

Chairman Dennis Kessler reports:

    On February 20th, after the BOD meeting, we had a Post wide calendar meeting. We planned dates and times of events for our Post Family. So make sure you check the board and flyers hanging at the Post home for upcoming events.

    Music for the month of March:

    March 1st    Rhythm Rocks      7:00pm-10:00pm
    March 4th    Dave Adrian      2:00pm-5:00pm
    March 8th    Peter Kaemer      7:00pm-10:00pm
    March 22nd    D J Don      7:00pm-10:00pm

    St. Patrick Dinners - March 16th at the Post Home 2:00pm-6:00pm

      Corned Beef Sandwiches  -  $$9.00
      Dinners   -  $12.00
      Ruben's   -   $10.00

    Post work wide work detail on March 18th. Coffee, rolls, donuts on at 0830 hrs. with work from 0900-1200 hrs. There will be a quick meeting afterwards followed by camaraderie at 1200. Work scheduled will be painting of walls, trim and cleaning of half walls and polishing them up too. All are welcome, we need people to watch the main door, answer the phone, check on workers and help with other small jobs.

    We had the 3 phases of electrical work completed and are wanting on estimates for the final and major updates to the electric system. We will get and look at 3 estimates before any work would go ahead.

    Back Room Rentals:

    The calendar is filling up quickly!

    Everyone must fill out a contract and, sign the contract! NO EXCEPTIONS!

    Please check the calendar for meetings dates and times so you don't miss your meeting night.

    God Bless Our Troops and God Bless America !

Veterans Activities Chairman

Jerry Johnson reports:
    No Report This Month

Color Guard Captain

Mark McMahon reports:

    No Report This Month

Legion Riders

Ron Kelly reports:

    No Report This Month


5th  -  Auxiliary Meeting

11th  -  General Meeting

17th  -  S.A.L. Meeting


         Monday, March 3       Navy Reserve Day       
         Wednesday, March 5       Navy Seabees Birthday   (Established 1942)       
         Thursday, March 13       K-9 Veterans Day         
         Wednesday, March 19       Operation Iraqi Freedom Begins   (2003)       
         Saturday, March 29       National Vietnam War Veterans Day       

Check the Calendar of Events for any special events coming up soon

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