American Legion Post 735

35 Legion Parkway
West Seneca
New York 14224

(716) 675-7613
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Post 735

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American Legion Post 735


Post 735 Newsletter
February 2025
Volume 25       Issue 02

Commander:   Daniel Lagoda

Chaplain:   Ken Herkey 716-671-2797


Service Officer:   Tony Drzyzga 716-697-9084

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Fish Fry dinners are back on Friday Night! Join your host, Tony’s Catering for a delicious dinner. 4:00pm - 7:30pm

Commander's Message

Commander Lagoda reports:

    I hope everyone has had a great and healthy January. It has been chilly and snowy but soon enough Spring will be here, bringing the nicer warmer weather.

    Upcoming events:

    • February 1st – Scholarship Fundraiser Dance at Vigilant Fire Company
    • February 9th – Superbowl Party- Bring a dish to pass, sign-up sheet behind the bar
    • February 11th – General Meeting
    • February 16th – Daytona NASCAR Party

    The Post would like to hire another bartender. Interested members contact a Board Member.

    Looking for something to do on Monday nights? Stop on down to the Post and play shuffleboard. Bring a snack if you wish. Shuffleboard nights for February are 2/10 and 2/24 starting around 7:00pm. Shuffleboard nights for March will be 3/10 and 3/24 starting at 7:00pm. It’s always a great time!

    Remember to wear your R.E.D. shirt on Fridays to support our deployed Service members. When you wear the R.E.D. shirt you will be eligible to receive the drink special all day long.

    Fish Fry Friday!! Tony’s Catering continues to cook excellent food every Friday 4pm-730pm. Don't like fish? There are plenty of other options available on the menu.

    The scrolling sign above the shuffleboard table has been replaced with a newer updated sign. Upcoming events and information will also be posted on this sign.

    Have a safe and happy month.

Sick Call & Relief

Chaplain Cindy Schwartz reports:

    God bless our veterans and active military.

1st Vice Commander PC

Lou Pawlowski reports:

    Hello everyone. I would like to report that our present membership is 291 members. Keep them coming in. Stay warm everybody

2nd Vice-Commander

Jerry Johnson reports:


      February 4th:     Dave Adrian     2:00pm – 5:00pm   
      February 8th:     GD Rose     7:00pm – 10:00pm   
      February 22nd:     DJ Don – Karaoke     7:00pm – 10:00pm   


Commander Bob Saar reports:

    Please pay dues for calendar year 2025. Also, if you move, please notify Denise Kessler or see a Bartender for Membership Change Form. We have a total of 283 members in the S.A.L., with 45 outstanding.

Auxiliary President

Donna Miller reports:

    I hope this newsletter finds you all well! Our February meeting will soon be upon us. We will be nominating officers soon for President, and membership at this point and any other offices that will be needed.

    February 16th is the Post Daytona Party. We will discuss the Basket Raffle at our meeting!

    Our Flea Market/Garage Sale will be April 19th. It will be in the Post parking lot. If the weather does not co-operate, it will be held in the back room of our Post. Any questions you may have, please call Geri at 716-818-5006! Items may be donated March 15th – March 31st. Items not sold will be donated to Amvets. No items will be returned! Proceeds from the sale will be used for the Auxiliary VA&R fund which is spent on veteran’s needs.

    May 17th is the Auxiliary’s 100th Party! Details will follow as we get closer!

    See you all at the next meeting!

Board of Directors

Chairman Dennis Kessler reports:

    Work detail will be on Wednesday February 19th. Coffee, donuts, and rolls at 0830 hrs.; work 0900-1200 hrs. A quick meeting after to discuss the next date and decide what the next detail projects will be. Hope to see you there! Work Detail is open to the entire Post Family to participate.

    We had to make repairs to our boiler system, replacing an air sensor (outside) and we will also be replacing the control in the bar area. We're waiting on the parts and they will be installed to control the heat and AC in the bar area.

    We are also having some electrical work done in the bar area. We will be eliminating all the extension cords, power strips behind the bar. Putting in some more lighting in the main hall for the head table area.

    Replacing two ceiling tiles in the basement bathrooms damaged by a past plumbing issue. The tiles have fire, smoke, CO alarms and heating / AC vents that will be removed from old tiles and reinstalled into the new tiles, beefing up the runners if needed.

    Separating the kitchen wall power outlets, the main hall outlets, on to the own circuit. This will eliminate the circuit breakers from tripping each time we plug in coffee pots and roaster.

    Our 2 new commercial freezers have been delivered and installed. Thanks to Jimmy for reworking the shelving in the bottle room so the freezers would fit flush to the wall. He also made tops for the storage area for the empty beer bottles, making it easier and safer for everyone.

    Post Calendar meeting will be February 20th. at 7:35 pm. We will have the BOD meeting at 6:30 PM before that meeting to speed things up. Please, if any Unit wants dates for events, please get them to me so I can check for availability prior to this meeting. This way no one has to wait to conform a date for an event and the calendar will be done that night.

    The American Legion Emblems we ordered last September, finally were delivered to us. They will be placed on the Boy Scouts trailer in the warmer weather.

    Please check the fliers and the bulletin boards for upcoming events at the Post Home.

    God Bless Our Troops and God Bless America!

Veterans Activities Chairman

Jerry Johnson reports:
    No Report This Month

Color Guard Captain

Mark McMahon reports:

    No Report This Month

Legion Riders

Ron Kelly reports:

    No Report This Month

IMPORTANT February 2025 DATES:

5th  -  Auxiliary Meeting

11th  -  General Meeting

17th  -  S.A.L. Meeting

20th  -  B.O.D. Meeting


         Saturday, February 1       National Freedom Day       
         Wednesday, February 19       Coast Guard Reserve Birthday       
         Sunday, February 23       Flag Raised on Iwo Jima / WWII   (1945)       
         Monday, February 24       Desert Storm Ground War Begins   (1991)       
         Friday, February 28       Desert Storm Ground War ends (100 hours)   (1991)       

Check the Calendar of Events for any special events coming up soon

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