American Legion Post 735

35 Legion Parkway
West Seneca
New York 14224

(716) 675-7613
Fax: (716) 675-0365

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Chamber of Commerce

Community Service Organization of the Year

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American Legion
Post 735

Stars and Stripes line divider

American Legion Post 735

Post 735 Photo Gallery

2025 Photo Gallery

February Work Detail

Volunteers gathered at Post 735 on Thursday, February 19th to give the Post Home some spit-and-polish. The almost monthly Work Detail began its morning at 9:00am after some coffee and pastries and got to work soon after to apply some elbow grease.

February 2025 Work Detail

Chairs and tables got special attention
      February 2025 Work Detail

Blinds wiped down and let the sun shine in

The kitchen area and the back meeting room were the focus of this month’s work detail as everything was wiped down and cleaned.

February 2025 Work Detail

Scrubbing! I thought I was out of the Navy!
      February 2025 Work Detail

Commander Dan adds a little polish. Took all day but it sparkles!

We are always in the need for volunteers to spruce up our Post Home, inside and out. If you would like to lend a hand, watch for work detail announcements in the Legion Newsletter. All are welcome and appreciated!

February 2025 Work Detail

Leftover pizza from the Christmas Party!
      February 2025 Work Detail

I’ll give you 20 bucks to clean the refrigerator for me

Legion Hosts Annual NASCAR Watch Party

February 16th was the running of the Daytona 500 race, part of the NASCAR Racing schedule. NASCAR stands for the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing. Beyond its acronym, it represents a decades old legacy of American motorsports, encompassing speed, innovation, and deep-rooted community ties and involvement. Also, a reason to have a party! Each year, the Legion Post hosts a watch party for the running of the Daytona 500. Although the Sunday afternoon was snowy and cold, it did not dampen the enthusiasm of the hale and hearty race fans that gathered at the Post for some comradery and brews.

Annual NASCAR Party 2025

NASCAR Race fans get ready for the big race!
      Annual NASCAR Party February 2025

Commander Dan “fuels up” for the Daytona 500 race

The smell of burning rubber, exciting pit stops, fiery crashes and great basket raffles. It all added up to a fun afternoon for these race fans. Can't wait until next year!

Annual NASCAR Party 2025

The covered shuffleboard was loaded with great gifts for the big Basket Raffle
      Annual NASCAR Party February 2025

So many baskets . . . so little time!

Annual Post 735/Vigilant Fire Company Dance

American Legion Post 735 and Vigilant Fire Company sponsored their annual 50’s–60’s dance on February 1, 2025 from 7:00pm – 11:00pm. Vigilant Fire Company hosted the dance with music provided by 5’s Are Wild, a party rock band.

Annual Dance February 2025

Music performed by 5’s Are Wild
      Annual Dance February 2025

A slow dance is always good for the soul

Proceeds from the dance benefit the Vigilant Fire Company and West Seneca Legion Post 735 Scholarship Programs. The evening featured Basket Raffles and 50/50 Raffles. Everyone in attendance had a good time dancing the evening away. Thanks to all the Vigilant Fire Company and Legion Post 735 S.A.L. volunteers who made this dance possible.

Annual Dance February 2025

Time to get down and boogie!
      Annual Dance February 2025

The band performs another fan favorite

2024 Photo Gallery

Catamaran Cruise – American Legion Style

American Legion Post 735 held its Annual (somewhat) Catamaran Cruise on Sunday, August 17th, 2024. Our fearless Legion landlubbers and their family members embarked on a sun-filled trip around the Erie Basin Marina onboard the catamaran, Moondance Cat.The catamaran is 56 feet long and 31 feet wide and holds up to 75 guests (and their drinks).

Catamaran August 2024

Waiting for their ship to come in
      Catamaran August 2024

With the ship under way, time to enjoy the breeze

Catamaran August 2024

A beautiful woman, a cold beer and the blue sea . . What more can you want?
      Catamaran August 2024

Donald Bifulco recalls his days as a Pirate!

After about two hours on a delightful ride, with no seasickness or the walking of the plank, the tired group set back for shore. Everyone headed to the Legion Post to carry on the party.

Catamaran August 2024

Back home on dry land

American Legion Family Picnic 2024

American Legion Post 735 held its Summer Picnic for its Legion Family on Sunday, August 4, 2024. The afternoon was sun-filled and a little hot, but canopy shelters made the afternoon delightful. Members and their family enjoyed an afternoon of food and fun from noon until 6:00pm.

Legion Picnic August 2024

Old friends getting together.
      Legion Picnic August 2024

Waiting to eat!

Picnic goers were served clams, Italian saugage, burgers, hot dogs, salads and ice cream.

Legion Picnic August 2024

Getting that burger just right!
      Legion Picnic August 2024

What's better then 1 chef . . . 2 chefs!

Entertainment was provided by our very own DJ, who spun 50's, 60's and 70's tunes.

Legion Picnic August 2024

Spinning great tunes.
      Legion Picnic August 2024

Roy Brenner and Barb Herkey caught cutting a rag!

Liquor raffles were held throughout the afternoon for a chance to win your favorite beverage. A 50-50 drawing was held at the end of the picnic, with someone going home a little happier!

Legion Picnic August 2024

Commander Dan Lagoda getting ready for another drawing.
      Legion Picnic August 2024

Relaxing after a great picnic meal.

Food and drinks were just a bonus at the Legion picnic as it was a great opportunity to meet new friends and to reconnect with old friends.

Legion Picnic August 2024

When's dinner?
      Legion Picnic August 2024

Enjoying some nice cold brews!

The American Legion Picnic was a great success and those who did not attend missed out on a fun-filled afternoon!

Legion Picnic August 2024

Can't wait until next year!

July Post Work Detail

The Post held its Summer work detail on July 30th. Although it was a hot, sticky day, volunteers worked outside to spruce up our Post Home.

Work Detail July 2024

Facade is powerwashed before painting
      Work Detail July 2024

Front of the Legion Post gets a new coat of paint

Front and back gets a fresh coat of paint.

July 2024

Building gets a facelift
      July 2024

Whoops! Almost missed a spot

July 2024

Don Bifulco puts his culinary skills to the test!

July 2024

Don fires up the grill

July 2024

Time to feed the volunteers

2023 Photo Gallery

2023 Pearl Harbor Remembrance Ceremony, December 7, 2023

Pearl Harbor Day 2023

Post Adjutant Tim Hayes was Master of Ceremonies
for the 35th Annual Pearl Harbor Remembrance Service

American Legion Post 735 hosted its 35th Annual Pearl Harbor Remembrance Service on Thursday, December 7, 2023 to honor the over 2,400 American lives that were lost in the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. President Franklin Roosevelt called the unprovoked attack on Pearl Harbor a “date which will live in infamy”. The attack led the United States to join the Second World War; a massive global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945 and involved more than 100 million people from 30 countries.

Pearl Harbor Day 2023

Units from Marine Corps League, Detachment 239,
Navy Seabees, Island X-5 and Veterans of Foreign Wars, VFW 8113

Post Adjutant Tim Hayes served as the Master of Ceremonies, with Erie County Clerk Michael “Mickey” Kearns as the guest speaker. Members from American Legion Post 735; Marine Corps League, Detachment 239; Navy Seabees, Island X-5; Veterans of Foreign Wars, 82nd Airborne, VFW Post 8113 and Amvets Post 8113 participated in the Remembrance Service. Due to inclement weather, the ceremony was moved indoors.

Pearl Harbor Day 2023

Units from American Legion Post 735,
82nd Airborne and Amvets Post 8113

As the veterans' groups gathered to remember and honor our servicemen and women who fought so bravely and died in that horrific attack on December 7th, 1941, they know those events that happened 82 years ago must serve as a lesson that our country must be ever vigilant. One message that was crystal clear was, we must never, ever forget the sacrifice and the courage of Pearl Harbor on that fateful December 7th morning.

September Post Work Detail

The Post held its Fall work detail on September 19th. With a cool and sunny day, volunteers worked outside, restriping the parking lines and painting the concrete parking blocks.

Work Detail Sept 2023

Paint mixed and ready to go
      Work Detail Sept 2023

Straight edge helps for perfect lines

The front entrance door latch was repaired and Maryann Kessler cleaned all of the window blinds.

Work Detail Sept 2023

Handicapped spot get refurbished
      Work Detail Sept 2023

Supervisor Don checks out the work

After the painting and cleaning was completed, the work detail convened indoors and was treated to refreshments. The next work detail will be announced in the future.

Work Detail Sept 2023

Repairs were also made inside the Post

Post 735 Catamaran Cruise

American Legion Post 735 held its Catamaran Cruise aboard the Moondance Cat on Sunday, August 20, 2023.

Catamaran Cruise 2023

Catamaran Cruise 2023

The MoondanceCat took the members and guests of Post 735 on a two hour cruise around the Erie Basin Marina.

Catamaran Cruise 2023       Catamaran Cruise 2023

Under the warm glow of the Buffalo sun, good times and good drinks were had by all.

Catamaran Cruise 2023

Catamaran Cruise 2023

2023 marks the 42nd season of MoondanceCat, a luxury, passenger catamaran. Built in Charleston, South Carolina, it is modeled after the original moon-dance. The ship has a wet bar, sound system, and plenty of room to tan.

Catamaran Cruise 2023       Catamaran Cruise 2023

The MoodnanceCat catamaran is 56 feet long and 31 feet wide and holds 75 passengers

Catamaran Cruise 2023       Catamaran Cruise 2023

Catamaran Cruise 2023

Catamaran Cruise 2023

The cruise gave everyone a good view of the Buffalo shoreline and surrounding area.

Catamaran Cruise 2023       Catamaran Cruise 2023

Sundrenched and happy, everyone headed back to the Post for food and beverages.

Catamaran Cruise 2023       Catamaran Cruise 2023

April 2023 Work Detail

April showers bring Legion work details. Volunteers assembled on Tuesday, April 18th. After rolls, donuts and coffee, the volunteered got to work.

April Post Work Detail one

The parking lot concrete blockswere wheeled out

April Post Work Detail two

Concrete parking blocks put into place

Work was done on the inside and outside of our Post Home

April Post Work Detail three

Flower beds cleared

April Post Work Detail three

Barbeque cleaned and ready for summer

Inside the Post was not forgotten as the kitchen and bar area were cleaned

April Post Work Detail eight

The refrigerator receives a good scrubbing

April Post Work Detail eight

The bar area is not forgotten

April Post Work Detail eight

Bud Wohlfiel stands next to the new Vulcan Stove and Oven

Once the work was finished, the volunteers rested with resfreshments and sandwiches. Watch the Board of Directors report each month in our Legion Newsletter to see when the next work detail is scheduled.

April Post Work Detail seven

Workers relax with some beverages

April Post Work Detail eight

In a rare photograph, Don Bifulco was caught working!

If you are available to join in on a work detail, come on down and help make our Post Home the very best in the County!

March 2023 Work Detail

Under the direction of Board of Directors Chairman, Dennis Kessler, American Legion Post 735 received a cleaning from top to bottom on Tuesday, March 21st. Volunteers arrived early and after rolls, donuts and coffee, rolled up their sleeves and got to work.

Post Work Detail one

With a litle nicer weather, some outside work was done

Post Work Detail two

The back entrance got a new luster with a little elbow grease,

With the volunteers pitching in, our Post Home was soon sparkling from top to bottom.

Post Work Detail three

From the floor behind the bar . . .

Post Work Detail four

. . . to the sinks behind the bar

There were reports that Don Bifulco was caught working, but those reports could not be independently confirmed.

Post Work Detail six

From the basement . . .

Post Work Detail eight

. . . to the kitchen

After a full morning of scrubbing, polishing and sweeping, the volunteers were finished and treated to resfreshments and sandwiches. Watch the Board of Directors report each month in our Legion Newsletter to see when the next work detail is scheduled.

Post Work Detail seven

Work is done, time to relax

If you are available to join in on a work detail, come on down and help make our Post Home the very best in the County!

2021 Photo Gallery

2021 Legionnaire of the Year

Presentation of Legionnaire of Year Award

Commander Ron Puckett presents Dave Ellis
with Legionnaire of the Year Award

At the regular monthly American Legion Post 735 meeting on Tuesday, September 14th, fellow Legionnaire David Ellis was recognized and honored by the American Legion as the 2021 Legionnaire of the Year for his contributions to our Legion Post. Commander Ronald Puckett presented Legionnarie Ellis with a plaque, as well as a Legionnaire of the Year Pin, honoring David's dedication and service to our Post.

2020 Photo Gallery

Legionnaire Honored for Fifty Years of Service

Presentation of Fifty year Award

Commander Ron Puckett presents Don Gennocro
with 50 Year Legion Membership Certificate

At the regular monthly American Legion Post 735 meeting on Tuesday, March 10th, fellow Legionnaire Donald M. Gennocro was honored by the American Legion National Headquarters for Fifty years of continuous Legion membership. Post 735 Commander Ronald Puckett presented Legionnarie Gennocro with a certificate from National Headquarters, as well as a certificate from our Post honoring his dedication and service to our country for the last 50 years.

2019 Photo Gallery

American Legion Post 735 Renovations Completed

A Press Conference was held on December 20, 2019 at American Legion Post 735 to announce the completion of renovations to the Post. Renovations made the post more accessible to those veterans and guests who had physical handicaps. Thanks to a grant from BankonBuffalo and in-kind donations from several vendors, the rest rooms were completely renovated, allowing accessibility for wheelchairs and walkers. A concrete wheelchair ramp was also constructed on the front of the Post. Renovations to the building took about a month to complete. The Press Conference was held to thank BankonBuffalo, Erie County Clerk Mickey Kearns, West Seneca Supervisor Sheila Meegan, and all of the vendors for their work and generosity.

Post renovation, Interior

Post members, public officials and vendors pose on completed handicapped ramp - December 20

Post renovation, Interior

Certicifacte of Appreciation awarded to Martin Griffith, BankonBuffalo - December 20
Post renovation, Interior

Commander Puckett presents award to Erie County Clerk Mickey Kearns - December 20

Post renovation, Interior

Work nearing completion - December 18
Post renovation, Interior

Restroom renocation completed - December 19

Post renovation, Interior

Tile work on walls begun - December 10
Post renovation, Interior

Walls prepped for tiles - December 9

Post renovation, Interior

Ramp ready for railings - December 3
Post renovation, Interior

Restroom walls put in place - December 3

Post renovation, Interior

Restrooms renovated to accomodate wheelchairs - November 20
Post renovation, Interior

Restrooms enlarged - November 20

Renovations to Post

Cement poured for handicapped ramp - November 15
Renovations to Post

Concrete work was started on the handicapped accessible ramp - November 12

After renovations, both restrooms were capable of accommodating wheelchairs and walkers allowing our members who had difficulty enjoying the activities of the Post in the past due to restrictions, to be able to spend more time with fellow veterans. In addition, a handicapped accessible ramp was constructed in the front of the building where those with disabilities can be dropped off and enter the building without limitations.

A Press Conference held on Tuesday, November 12, 2019 marked the beginning of renovations to American Legion Post 735. Thanks to a grant from BankOnBuffalo and donations of labor and material from other groups, American Legion Post 735 is receiving some much needed renovations to the inside and outside of the Post Home. As a member of the Veteran s Post Restoration of Erie County Committee, Post 735 was able to secure the funding through the Committee to make the building handicapped accessible. Erie County Clerk Mickey Kearns and Post 735 Commander Ronald Puckett were on hand to receive the check from BankOnBuffalo.

Renovations to Post

Presentation of check from BankonBuffalo, November 12, 2019

In addition to the generosity of BankOnBuffalo, we would also like to acknowledge the donations of labor and material made by Cheryl Henry Architectural, Casilio Development, Cellino Plumbing and HVAC, IBEW Local 41, Ferguson Electrical, Vets H.E.R.D. Inc. and Union Concrete and Construction Corp. Renovations are expected to take approximately 3 weeks.

2019 Pearl Harbor Remembrance Ceremony, December 7, 2019

Pearl Harbor Day

Commander Ronald Puckett hosted Remembrance Service

Units assemble for Pearl Harbor Ceremony

American Legion Post 735 and Marine Corps League Color Guards
Units assemble for Pearl Harbor Ceremony

Amvets Post 8113 Color Guard

American Legion Post 735 hosted its 32nd Annual Pearl Harbor Remembrance Service on Saturday, December 7, 2019. December 7th marked the 75th Anniversary of the horrific sneak attack against the United States by warplanes from the Japanese Imperial Navy. The first wave of fighters and bombers struck the Naval Base at Pearl Harbor and pounded Hickam, Bellow, and Wheeler Fields, as well as the Marine airfield on Ford Island.

Within a few hours on that fateful morning, America had lost over 2,400 Naval, Army, Marine and Army Air Corp personnel, with more than 1,100 service personnel injured. In addition, eighteen American ships were sunk or damaged.

This year's Annual Pearl Harbor Remembrance Ceremony was held in the Town Board Meeting Room at the West Seneca Community Center. West Seneca veterans groups and residents joined together to honor the survivors and those who perished at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

Speakers for Pearl Harbor Ceremony

Guest Speaker and Purple Heart recipient Russell D. Ward

Our Guest Speaker for this year's Pearl Harbor Ceremony was Russell D. Ward, a Vietnam veteran who was wounded in combat and a recipient of the Purple Heart Medal. Post Commander Ron Puckett hosted the ceremony, while Michael Hart sang our National Anthem.

Units assemble for Pearl Harbor Ceremony

County Clerk Mickey Kearns and Purple Heart Recipients
Units assemble for Pearl Harbor Ceremony

Purple Heart Recipients and Post 735 Color Guard

Following the Remembrance Service, Erie County Clerk Michael Kearns recognized West Seneca and area Purple Heart Medal recipients with a special presentation. Chili and refreshments followed at Post 735.

American Legion Post 735 Recognizes 2019 Participant at Boys State

Presentation of Boys State Award Award

Commander Ron Puckett presents Michael Rachichi with 2019 Boys State Award

Michael Rachichi represented American Legion Post 735 as the 2019 delegate to the Boys State program. Michael attended our October Legion meeting and spoke of his two weeks at at Boys State. Michael found out all about marching because for those weeks, he marched more then he ever knew he could. Asked about the food, Michael said it looked good but made no further committment to its flavor. All told, Michael enjoyed his two weeks at Boys State and did not regret going through the program. Asked if he would do it again, Michael's answer was not definitive.

Presentation of Boys State Award Award

Michael Rachichi accepts Award from Commander Puckett

American Legion Boys State is among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for U.S. high school students. Founded in 1935, Boys State is a participatory program in which students become part of the operation of local, county and state government.

At Boys State, participants learn the rights, privileges and responsibilities of franchised citizens. The training is objective and centers on the structure of city, county and state governments. Operated by students elected to various offices, Boys State activities include legislative sessions, court proceedings, law-enforcement presentations, assemblies, bands, choruses and recreational programs.

American Legion Post 735 Honors West Seneca Police Officer With Annual Valor Award

Presentation of Valor Award

Commander Ron Puckett presents 2019 Valor award to Police Officer Paul Daley
(L-R) Police Chief Daniel Denz, Police Officer Paul Daley and Commander Ronald Puckett

American Legion Post 735 presented its annual Valor Award to West Seneca Police Officer Paul Daley for exemplifying outstanding qualities and professionalism during his course of duty. The ceremony took place on Tuesday, April 9th, following the monthly Legion Meeting. On hand to see Officer Daley receive the Valor Award was his brother, Police Chief Daniel Denz, Assistant Police Chief Michael Boehringer and American Legion Veterans.

On December 22, 2018, West Seneca police officers were dispatched to a robbery that occurred at a Subway Restaurant on Ridge Road. Information was quickly gathered regarding the subject who had jumped over the restaurant counter and displayed a knife during the course of the robbery. A Subway employee suffered a serious laceration as the robbery suspect fled the restaurant with a charity donation jar and another employee s purse. While officers were searching the surrounding area, Officer Paul Daley went to a local store and inquired if anyone matching the robbery suspect s description had entered the store. While speaking with a store employee, Officer Daley observed a male at the front door of the store matching the robbery suspect s description working as a Salvation Army Center attendant. Officer Daley approached the male and asked if he knew anything about the Subway robbery. The male replied in Spanish that he did not speak English. Officer Daley, who is fluent in Spanish, questioned the suspect in Spanish. The male suspect started to act nervous and reached into his waistband. As Officer Daley tried to stop the suspect, the suspect began to throw punches and violently fought with Officer Daley. Employing his TASER, Officer Daley was able to handcuff the suspect and place him under arrest. The knife used in the robbery, along with the stolen purse, were found in the suspect s backpack, which he was wearing. The male suspect was charged with Robbery in the First Degree, Assault in the Second Degree, along with numerous other charges.

Because of Officer Daley's determination, commitment to duty, and extreme bravery, a situation that could have gotten out-of-hand was quickly resolved leading to the arrest of the robbery suspect. Through his effort, Officer Paul Daley distinguished himself and the West Seneca Police Department by performing his duties in the highest traditions of Law Enforcement.

Presentation of Valor Award

2018 Photo Gallery

American Legion Post 735 Recognizes Participant at Boys State

Presentation of Boys State Award Award

Commander Ron Puckett presents Robert Adams, Jr. with 2018 Boys State Award

American Legion Post 735 was proud to select Robert Adams, Jr. as a delegate to Boys State this year to represent our post. Robert attended our October Legion meeting on what his two weeks were like at Boys State.

American Legion Boys State is among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for U.S. high school students. Founded in 1935, Boys State is a participatory program in which students become part of the operation of local, county and state government.

At Boys State, participants learn the rights, privileges and responsibilities of franchised citizens. The training is objective and centers on the structure of city, county and state governments. Operated by students elected to various offices, Boys State activities include legislative sessions, court proceedings, law-enforcement presentations, assemblies, bands, choruses and recreational programs.

American Legion Post 735 Honors West Seneca Police Officer

Presentation of Valor Award

Commander Ron Puckett presents 2018 Valor award to Police Officer John Lake

On April 10, 2018, one of West Seneca s finest was honored by American Legion Post 735. West Seneca Police Officer John Lake was awarded with the 2018 “Valor” award. The 2018 Valor award was presented to Police Officer John Lake who through his dedication and quick-thinking actions was able to save a suspected female thief from drowning in the freezing waters of Cazenovia Creek on April 9, 2017.

That morning, the West Seneca police were summoned by Wegman's personnel of a suspected thief stealing merchandise. The female suspect fled from police and did not heed their warning to stop. Upon approaching the Cazenovia creek, the suspect was warned not to enter the freezing water. Undeterred, the suspect entered the creek and soon became distressed, with the rushing waters sweeping her legs from under her and in peril of losing her life. Immediately and without hesitation, Police Officer John Lake shed his police gear and jumped into the water and reached the floundering suspect. Officer Lake managed to grab hold of the suspect and drag her to shore, saving her from a certain drowning.

Because of Officer Lake's determination, commitment to duty, extreme bravery, and the risking of his own life, a situation dissolved from a routine arrest into a rigorous, successful life-saving rescue. Through his effort, Officer John Lake distinguished himself and the West Seneca Police Department by performing his duties in the highest traditions of Law Enforcement.

The 2018 Valor award was presented to Officer John Lake by American Legion Commander Ron Puckett. On hand to see Officer John Lake receive his award was his wife and Police Chief Daniel Denz, and American Legion veterans.

Presentation of Valor Award

Police Chief Daniel Denz, Police Officer John Lake and Legion Commander Ron Puckett

The award is given each year to a West Seneca policeman who exemplifies outstanding qualities and professionalism during his course of duty.

2017 Photo Gallery

“Combat Wounded Parking” Sign Dedicated at Post 735

Councilman Gene Hart, Councilman William Hanley, Erie County Clerk Michael Kearns
Legionnaire John Grahowski and Post 735 Commander Ronald Puckett

Erie County Clerk Michael "Mickey" Kearns, Commander Ronald Puckett and members of American Legion Post 735 gathered after the Pearl Harbor Ceremony to dedicate the Combat Wounded parking sign in the Legion parking lot. The parking sign was donated by the Wounded Warriors Family Support to honor and recognize Purple Heart recipients.

Eroe County Clerk Michael Kearns presented Legionnaire John Grahowski
with a certificate honoring his service

Erie County Clerk Mickey Kearns presented John Grahowski from American Legion Post 735, with a certificate recognizing John as a Purple Heart recipient. John Grahowski was wounded while serving in Vietnam.

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Ceremony, December 7, 2017

Marine Corps League

Members of the Marine Corps League followed by Amvets 8113

82nd Airborne

Members of the 82nd Airborne

A cold, snowy December 7th marked the 76th Anniversary of the horrific sneak attack against the United States when on the quiet morning of December 7, 1941, Japan launched an attack on the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. More than 2,400 military personnel and civilians were killed and 1,178 were wounded in the bombing raid, with President Franklin D. Roosevelt declaring December 7 "a date which will live in infamy". In addition to the tragic human toll, the Japanese attack sank or severely damaged 18 ships, including the 8 battleships, three light cruisers, and three destroyers. On the airfields around Pearl Harbor, the Japanese destroyed 161 American planes and seriously damaged 102 aircraft. Each year the number of survivors from that surprise attack on Pearl Harbor grows smaller, but their courage and determination to fight must never be forgotten.

Units assemble in front of Legion Post for Pearl Harbor Ceremony

Members of West Seneca Veterans Posts assemble for the Pearl Harbor Ceremony

Post 735 Honor Guard

American Legion Post 735 provided the Honor Guard for the ceremony

American Legion Post 735 hosted its 30th Annual Pearl Harbor Memorial Remembrance Service at 12:00 Noon. West Seneca veterans groups and residents braved the weather to honor the survivors and those who perished at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

Speakers for Pearl Harbor Ceremony

Singer Michael Hart, Commander Ron Puckett and Guest Speaker Captain Brian Roche

We were honored to have Captain Brian Roche (USCG Ret.) as this year's Guest Speaker. Captain Roche is the Executive Director of the Buffalo and Erie County Naval and Military Park. Post Commander Ron Puckett hosted the ceremony, while Mike Hart sang our National Anthem.

Speakers for Pearl Harbor Ceremony

December 7, 2017 Pearl Harbor Remembrance Ceremony

American Legion Post 735 Honors West Seneca Police Officer Jonathan Luterek

Valor Award Presentation

Commander Ron Puckett presents 2017 Valor award to Officer Jonathan Luterek

On April 11, 2017, American Legion Post 735 awarded one of West Seneca s finest with the 2017 Valor award. The award is given to a West Seneca Police Officer who exemplifies outstanding qualities and professionalism during his course of duty. The 2017 Valor award was presented to Police Officer Jonathan E. Luterek, who through his dedication and quick-thinking actions was able to apprehend a suspect involved in several convenient gas station break-ins. Officer Luterek staked out the Kwick Fill convenience store located on Clinton Street, and confronted a male suspect behind the station, who was armed with a crowbar. Officer Luterek was able to persuade the suspect to drop the crowbar and the arrest was made without further incident. Officer Luterek showed immense courage in confronting an armed suspect alone and displayed an enormous amount of restraint in not using deadly physical force.

Due to Officer Luterek s initiative, diligence and decisive actions, West Seneca Police were able to take a serial burglar off the street.

Valor Award Presentation

Walt Harrison, Officer Jonathan Luterek and Commander Ron Puckett

The Valor award was presented to Officer Luterek by Walt Harrison, Law and Order Chairman and Commander Ron Puckett. On hand to see Officer Luterek receive his award were members of his family, Police Chief Daniel Denz, members of the West Seneca Town Board and American Legion veterans.

2016 Photo Gallery

2016 Pearl Harbor Remembrance Ceremony, December 7, 2016

Marine Corps League

Members of the Marine Corps League
Units assemble in front of Legion Post for Pearl Harbor Ceremony

Units assemble in front of Legion Post for Pearl Harbor Ceremony

December 7th marked the 75th Anniversary of the horrific sneak attack against the United States by warplanes from the Japanese Imperial Navy. The first wave of fighters and bombers struck the Naval Base at Pearl Harbor and pounded Hickam, Bellow, and Wheeler Fields, as well as the Marine airfield on Ford Island.

Within a few hours on that fateful morning, America had lost over 2,400 Naval, Army, Marine and Army Air Corp personnel, with more than 1,100 service personnel injured. In addition, eighteen American ships were sunk or damaged.

Post 735 Honor Guard

Members of the Legion Post 735 Honor Guard fire a volley to honor those that died at Pearl Harbor

American Legion Post 735 marked the "Day of Infamy" with its 29th Annual Pearl Harbor Memorial Remembrance Service at 12:00 Noon. West Seneca veterans groups and residents joined together to honor the survivors and those who perished at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

Speakers for Pearl Harbor Ceremony

Chaplain Ken Herkey, Guest Speaker David Shenk and Commander Ronald Puckett

The Guest Speaker for this year's Pearl Harbor Ceremony was David Shenk. Erie County Director of Veterans Services. Post Commander Ron Puckett hosted the ceremony, while Chaplain Ken Herkey sang our National Anthem.

American Legion Post 735 and Legion Riders Present Check to VALOR

Check presentation to VALOR

Paul Rudnicki, President of VALOR, accepts check on behalf of VALOR from Ron Kelly from the Legion Riders

The American Legion Post 735 and the Legion Riders sponsored its annual Motorcycle Dice Run in May 2016 to raise money and awareness for the disadvantaged Veterans in our local area. The funds that were raised from this event, $3,500.00, were donated to the VALOR Veterans organization.

Since its inception in 1986, the VALOR Committee has distributed more than $300,000 in cash and thousands more in food to the Western New York Veterans Food Pantry for needy veterans and their families.The food pantry is maintained by Western New York Chapter 77 of the Vietnam Veterans of America. The pantry provides assistance to any veteran in the Town of West Seneca, or surrounding communities, and his or her family, if they are in need of food.

The funds were raised by the Legion Riders ($2500) and the Sons of the Legion ($1000) with a great amount of assistance from the Legion.

Check presentation to VALOR

Paul Rudnicki, Ed Tyczka, Mary Ann Kessler, Gail Kelly, Bud Wohlfeil, and Ron Kelly

American Legion Post 735 Honors West Seneca Police Officer

Pearl Harbor Remembrance preparation

Walt Harrison presents 2016 Valor award to Officer Matthew Leitzel

On April 12, 2016, American Legion Post 735 awarded one of West Seneca s finest with the 2016 “Valor” award. The award is given to a West Seneca policeman who exemplifies outstanding qualities and professionalism during his course of duty. The 2016 Valor award was presented to Police Officer Matthew Leitzel who through his dedication and quick-thinking actions was able to detain and arrest two suspects who were connected to operating a “meth“ lab. The two high-level drug suspects were major distributers of methamphetamines throughout the eight counties of Western New York and Northern Pennsylvania. Due to Officer Leitzel s high level of professionalism and competency during the course of his duties, a rolling meth lab was dismantled and the two drug distributors were placed behind bars. Through his effort, Officer Matthew Leitzel distinguished himself and the West Seneca Police Department by performing his duties in the highest traditions of Law Enforcement.

The Valor award was presented to Officer Leitzel by Walt Harrison and Commander Ron Puckett. On hand to see Officer Matthew Leitzel receive his award were members of his family, including his father West Seneca Police Detective Lieutenant William Leitzel, Police Chief Daniel Denz, members of the West Seneca Town Board and American Legion veterans.

2015 Photo Gallery

2015 Pearl Harbor Remembrance

Pearl Harbor Remembrance preparation

Everything is readied for Pearl Harbor Remembrance
Units assemble for Pearl Harbor Ceremony

Navy Seabees and Marine Corps League Units lead veterans units to front of Post 735

At 7:55AM, December 7, 1941, on a calm, quiet Sunday morning 74 years ago, the Japanese Imperial Navy launched a horrific sneak attack against the United States. The first wave of fighters and bombers struck the Naval Base at Pearl Harbor and pounded Hickam, Bellow, and Wheeler Fields, as well as the Marine airfield on Ford Island.

Within a few hours on that fateful morning, America had lost over 2,400 Naval, Army, Marine and Army Air Corp personnel, with more than 1,100 service personnel injured.

Veterans units assemble

Veterans Units assemble for Pearl Harbor Remembrance
Past Commander Bud Wohlfiel

Past Commander Bud Wohlfiel conducted ceremony in absence of Commander

On a mild Monday moring on December 7, 2015, American Legion Post 735 paused to remember and honor the men and women who were stationed at Pearl Harbor 74 years ago as it hosted its 28th Annual Pearl Harbor Memorial Rememberance Service. West Seneca veterans groups and residents came together to pay tribute to all those who died on that date which will live in infamy and plunged the United States into World War II.

Guest Speaker Patrick Gallivan

State Senator Patrick Gallivan was Guest Speaker

Honor Guard fires volley

Honor Guard fires a volley under direction of Color Guard Major Pat Curtin

The Guest Speaker for the Pearl Harbor Ceremony was State Senator Patrick Gallivan, who represents the 59th District. Past Post Commander Bud Wohlfiel handled the hosting duties, while Chaplain Ken Herkey offered a unique rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner.

Attendees for Pearl Harbor Remembrance

Veterans and West Seneca residents in attendance for 28th Pearl Harbor remembrance

American Legion Color Guard Helps Open West Seneca Resource Center

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

American Legion Color Guard Presents Colors at Grand Opening of West Seneca Resource Center

On October 1st, members of the American Legion Color Guard presented the colors at the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony opening the West Seneca Resource Center. The Color Guard and members of the West Seneca Stakeholder's Coalition opened the new Resource Center located at the New Hope Methodist Church, 2846 Seneca Street in West Seneca.

The Coalition partnered with community businesses, non-profits, residents, service organizations and municipal entities to increase the accessibility and availability of services and develop new programs for youth, seniors, families, and all residents of West Seneca. Members of the community who need assistance applying for HEAP, STAR, veterans benefits and food stamps, or who may need health screenings and career development, can come to the center on designated days to speak with a service network person confidentially and learn what benefits they are eligible to receive. As the center grows, the coalition will continue to review any requests for additional services and program interests expressed by the community to expand the number of providers available.

American Legion Riders Present Proceeds from Motorcycle Run to Altamont House

ALR members prepare check for Altmone House

ALR Road Captain Ron Kelly and Ed Pfeiffer prepare check for delivery to Altamont House

On September 25th, the American Legion Riders, led by Road Captain Ron Kelly, Legion Rider President Kevin Galligan, Pat Curtin, Ed Pfeiffer, Ed Tyczka, and Gail Kelly presented the proceeds from the Homeless Veterans Motorcycle Run to Altamont House in Buffalo. A $1,500 debit card was presented to fund "quality of life" events such as bowling nights and movie nights. The remainder of the funds will be allocated to various "wish list" items desired by the residents.

Check presentation to Altamont House

Members of American Legion Riders present check to residents of Altamont House

American Legion Post 735 Family Makes Donation to West Seneca Police Department

Members of Legion and Town officials

Members of American Legion Family and Town Officials

American Legion Post 735 is proud to offer assistance to the West Seneca Police Department. When the West Seneca Police Department purchased a Humvee, funds were needed to letter and detail the Humvee. The American Legion, Sons of the Legion and the Legion Auxiliary donated a check for one thousand dollars to help defray the cost.

The use of the four-wheel drive Humvee can be used in heavy brush and overgrown field areas of town where a regular police cruiser is not useful. The vehicle can also help our police department target some of the problems they been having in high brush areas like illegal dumping and underage drinking. The Humvee is a great asset for the Town of West Seneca when natural disasters such as snow storms or heavy localized flooding makes it impractical for other vehicles to respond to emergency calls.

American Post 735 Legion Riders take to the highway to visit the Thousand Islands

Motorcycles at stop

On the road to 1,000 Islands
Chilling in Alexandria Bay

Made it to Alexandria Bay!

On August 22nd, a group of Legion Riders from our Post, took off on a journey to the Thousand Islands in Upstate new York. Seven bikes and two support vehicles made the scenic and relaxing trip. After stops in Geneva and Oswego, the Riders made it to Capt. Thompsons in lovely Alexandria Bay around 2:30PM.

Boldt Castle

Boldt Castle
Alexandria Bay Post

Visiting Alexandria Bay American Legion Post

After visiting the local American Legion Post and a stop at the Roadhouse Restaurant, the Riders ventured into Clayton where they visited a wine store and sampled the wine and craft beer. It was then on to the Clayton American Legion Post, followed by a ride along the St. Lawrence Seaway where they saw 2 ocean vessels passing each other. After some more wine sampling, the group headed back to Alexandria Bay for dinner and drinks.

At the Post

Unwinding at the Alexandria Bay Post
At the Post

Life couldn't be better then this!

Beer tasting

Nothing Like a cold one!
Visiting Post 904

A stop at Post 904 in Alexandria Bay

The Riders left Alexandria Bay on Sunday morning around 9:30am and with good weather, the group made it back to West Seneca in a little over four hours. Tired, but a good time and good memories were had by all.

Group in gazebo

Group Photo

Post 821

American Legion Colon Couch Post 821

2015 West Seneca Memorial Day Parade

Marching Unit on Union Road

Members of the Legion Marching Unit head up Union Road to Town Hall

Auxiliary looking good!

Under sunny skies, the American Legion Post 735 Marching Unit, along with the Legion Auxiliary Marching Unit, participated in the annual West Seneca Memorial Day Parade held on May 25th. The marching units, along with other veterans posts, Boy and Girl Scouts, Fire companies and various other community groups, marched from Southgate Plaza to the Vietnam Memorial in front of the West Seneca Library. A short memorial ceremony was held, followed by hot dogs and refreshments at the post.

Marching Unit

Post 735 Marching Unit and Legion Auxiliary Marching Unit

Preparing for Memorial Day Ceremony

After ceremony

Marchers and residents enjoy hot dogs and refreshment

2015 American Legion Post 735 Motorcycle Dice Run

2015 Motorcycle Dice Run

Motorcycles and Riders gather at Post 735
2015 Motorcycle Dice Run

Ready to start the ride!

The American Legion Post 735 sponsored its annual Motorcycle Dice Run on Saturday, May 23rd to raise money and awareness to the Homeless Veterans in our local area. The funds that were raised from this event will be utilized to purchase specific needed items at Altamont House in Buffalo which houses 34 individuals in transition.

2015 Motorcycle Dice Run

Motorcycles stand at the ready.
2015 Motorcycle Dice Run

Motorcycles roar out at noon!

The Dice Run started at noon when approximately 96 motorcycles and 116 participants roared out of the American Legion parking lot and started their run, stopping at the East Aurora Legion, Concord Legion, Gowanda Legion, Eden Legion and back to the West Seneca Legion where hot dogs, hamburgers and refreshments awaited the motorcyclists.

2015 Motorcycle Dice Run

The Dice Run is another success!

2015 Armed Forces Day at Canalside

Unit lineup for Armed Forces Parade

Legionnaires from Post 735 participate in Armed Forces Week
Units lineup for Pearl Harbor Ceremony

Major Patrick Curtin leads the American Legion Post 735 marchers

Brilliant sunshine greeted the members of American Legion 735 Marching Unit as they participated in the Opening Ceremony of the 2015 Armed Forces Week. The ceremony to kick-off Armed Forces Week was held at the Buffalo Inner Harbor and military organizations from the region participated in a short procession.

Units lineup for Pearl Harbor Ceremony

Along the Waterfront
Units lineup for Pearl Harbor Ceremony

Gold Star Mother Dorothy Meyer

The Armed Forces Opening Ceremony honored the Gold Star Mothers who lost sons or daughters in the line of duty. Their sacrifice will never be forgotten.

Stars and Stripes line divider

2014 Photo Gallery

2014 Children's Christmas Party

Post Childrens Christmas Party

Landon Jameson and Anthony
Post Childrens Christmas Party

Jameson and Dominic

American Legion Post 735 held its annual Christmas Party for the Children on Sunday, Decvember 14th. The children had a chance to meet Santa Claus and receive a gift from him for being so good durning the year. This year Mrs. Claus accompanied the jolly one as he visited our Post Home.

Post Childrens Christmas Party

Croce Grandchildren
Post Childrens Christmas Party

Even "Naughty" Ed got to see Santa!

In addition to visiting with Santa, there were crafts and activities for the children. Snacks were available to all.

Post Childrens Christmas Party


2014 Pearl Harbor Ceremony

Units lineup for Pearl Harbor Ceremony

Marine Corps League lead units for Pearl Harbor Ceremony
Units lineup for Pearl Harbor Ceremony

Marine Corps League, AMVETS 8113 and 82nd Airborne form-up for Ceremony

A calm and peaceful quiet Sunday morning on December 7, 1941 was shattered by an unexpected Japanese attack which killed 2,386 American service personnel and civilians. In addition to the tragic human toll, the Japanese aircraft sank or severely damaged 18 ships, including the 8 battleships, three light cruisers, and three destroyers. On the airfields around Pearl Harbor, the Japanese destroyed 161 American planes and seriously damaged 102 aircraft.

Commander Ron Puckett

Commander Ron Puckett hosted Pearl Harbor Ceremony
AMVETS member prepare to lower flag

Members of AMVETS 8113 prepare to lower flag

On a another calm and sunny, but not quite as warm, Sunday morning, American Legion Post 735 hosted its 27th Annual Pearl Harbor Memorial Service on December 7th, to honor and remember those who perished during the attack and those who survived the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor. West Seneca veterans groups and residents came together to pay tribute to all those who died on that date which will live in infamy and plunged the United States into World War II.

Guest Speaker Paul Rudnicki

Vietnam veteran Paul Rudnicki was ceremony's Guest Speaker
Gun Salute by American Legion Post 735

Members of the American Legion Post 735 provided the Gun Salute during ceremony

The Guest Speaker for the Pearl Harbor Ceremony was Mr. Paul Rudnicki, a Vietnam veteran and member of American Legion Post 735. Paul Rudnicki was the recipient of the Bronze Star and the Air Medal for his service in Vietnam. The Honor Guard was provided by Legion Post 735. Guests were treated to chili and coffee after the ceremoy.

Snow Storm Buries West Seneca

Post 735 buried in snow

Snow storm hits West Seneca
Snow storm hits West Seneca

Post 735 buried in snow

A historic snow storm hit Western New York! Snow started falling on Monday, November 17, 2014 and continued through Thursday, November 20th. It was estimated that 70+ inches of snow fell on the Town of West Seneca. Known for being a town of "Good Neighbors", residents worked together and helped each other during this time of emergency. A travel ban, restricting driving, was in place for four days while the Highway Department worked to clear the streets for traffic. Our Post was reopened on Sunday, November 23rd after several volunteers shoveled snow from the doorways.

Legion Riders Deliver!

Donation Made to Altamont House

Pat Curtin and Ed Pfeiffer deliver check to Altamont House

American Legion Post 735 hosted the 2014 Motorcycle Dice Run on May 24th to benefit Homeless Veterans. The Dice Run was a huge success as over $4,600 was raised to benefit 34 homeless Veterans through the Altamont house in Buffalo. On June 21st, Pat Curtin, Ed Pfeiffer and several other Legion Riders, delivered the first installation of items that the director of Altamont House had requested on its initial Wish List .

Altamont House

Altamont Veterans and Legion Riders
Altamont House

Altamont Veterans Facility

The Legion Riders delivered 32 window fans, one window A/C unit, flooring , trim and underlayment to resurface their porch and a coffee urn for their kitchen. They also paid ABC Locksmith to do some extensive modifications to the building lock system. There will be more to come in the future.

Legion Post 735 Hosts Homeless Veterans Motorcycle Run

Motorcycle Run Sign

American Legion Post 735 hosted the Homeless Veterans Motorcycle Run on Saturday, May 24, 2014. Registration started at 10:00am, as all types of motorcycles and riders signed-up to be part of this event. All proceeds from the Motorcycle Run went to help our Homesss Veterans.

Registration Table

Registration started at 10:00am

Motorcycles start to line up

Motorcycles start to line up for Run

More Motorcycles arrive

All types and sizes of motorcycles participated

Motorcycles continue to line up

Motorcycles continue to line up for Run

Ed and Ron

Ed and Ron engage in motorcycle talk

Pat and Maureen suit up

Pat and Maureen Curtin prepare to ride

The Motorcycle Run, in addition to the beautiful machines that participated, had a little something for everyone. The cyclists and guests were treated to entertainment, beverages, food and basket raffles.

Field of Cycles

Motorcyclists prepare their bikes

Getting closer

Time drawing near to begin

Last Check

Motorcyclists give their bikes one last check

Police Motorcycles

Ron Puckett checks out the Police motorcycles

Police Escort border=

Bikers form-up behind Police Escort Motorcycles

Motorcycles head down Union Road

Motorcycles head down Union Road past Veterans Memorial Park

Stars and Stripes line divider

2013 Photo Gallery

Legion Post 735 Hosts 26th Annual Pearl Harbor Rememberance Ceremony

Remembrance Ceremony

Seventy-two years ago, a calm and peaceful quiet Sunday morning on December 7, 1941 was shattered by an unexpected Japanese attack which killed 2,386 American service personnel and civilians. In addition to the tragic human toll, the Japanese aircraft sank or severely damaged 18 ships, including the 8 battleships, three light cruisers, and three destroyers. On the airfields around Pearl Harbor, the Japanese destroyed 161 American planes and seriously damaged 102 aircraft.

Remembrance Ceremony
Remembrance Ceremony

American Legion Post 735 honored those servicemen and women who were there on that fateful December 7th with its 26th Memorial Service marking the anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Remembrance Ceremony - Ear Wickett
Pearl Harbor Survivor Earl Wickett (seated)

The program started at noon on a chilly Saturday afternoon, December 7, 2013. Our guest of honor was Earl Wickett, who was stationed at Pearl Harbor when it was attacked by 360 aircraft from carriers of the Japanese Imperial Navy in 1941.

Remembrance Ceremony - Francis McLaughlin
Guest Speaker Fran McLaughlin, Commander Ron Puckett, Chaplain Ken Herkey

The guest speaker for this year s service was Francis McLaughlin, Director of Veterans Services, County of Erie. Fran served in the United States Air Force from 1969 thru 1972 as an Aircraft Mechanic. In August, 2013, the Erie County Poloncarz selected Fran as the Erie County Director of Veterans Services. Fran is also currently a Councilman on the Eden Town Board and a life member of the American Legion, VFW and DAV.

Remembrance Ceremony - Wreath Presentation
Wreath Presentation by Amana Garden Club of West Seneca

A special Wreath presentation was made by Ardys Lerch, President of the Amana Garden Club of West Seneca. As part of the Wreaths Across America program, Mrs. Lerch placed a wreath during the ceremony honoring all veterans who gave their life in the defense of their country.

Remembrance Ceremony - Honor Guard
American Legion Post 735 Honor Guard

The Star Spangled Banner and America the Beautiful were sung by Kate Truslow and Jeff Glaub played Taps on his bugle. The Legion Honor Guard, under the direction of Major Pat Curtin, fired a 21-gun salute to honor those at Pearl Harbor.

Legion Post 735 Participates in 9-11 Ceremony at St. Mary's School for the Deaf

Remembrance Ceremony

Picture: From Left to Right

St. Mary s School for the Deaf Superintendent Tim Kelly, American Legion members Jim Manley, Walt Harrison, John Grochowski,
Maritime Commander Lt. Colonel Tony Deaville, Post 735 Commander Ron Puckett, members of the Maritime Charter School Color Guard and Director of Student Affairs, Paul Crowley

September 11, 2013 marked the twelve anniversary of the tremendous loss of life during the collapse of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, as well as the many lives lost in the attack on the Pentagon and those who died on a cold, lonely field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. American Legion Post 735 was invited to participate in this year s annual remembrance program held at St. Mary s School for the Deaf on Main Street, Buffalo by Timothy M. Kelly, school Superintendent. Staff students, alumni and members of the community, along with members of American Legion Post 735, Maritime Charter School Color Guard, and Fire and Police first responders gathered on the front porch of the school to reflect on the loss we all felt on that fateful September morning. The remembrance ceremony concluded with the placement of American flags around the flower gardens by the students and alumni.

Programs such as this will always keep the memory alive of the heavy price we must pay for our freedom and also serves as a reminder of American resolve.

An afternoon on the catamaran Moondance Cat

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon in August, members of the American Legion Post 735 family boarded the Buffalo-based catamaran, "Moondance Cat", for a fun-filled cruise. The catamaran is a 56 foot long, 31 foot wide craft that can hold up to 65 passengers. Our members enjoyed the wet bar, sound system and had plenty of room to catch a good sun tan as they left the Erie Basin Marina on a relaxing cruise through the Buffalo Harbor and Niagara River.

Moondance Cat
Moondance Cat

Catamaran Photos
Catamaran Photos

Catamaran Photos
Catamaran Photos

Catamaran Photos
Catamaran Photos

Catamaran Photos
Catamaran Photos

Catamaran Photos

American Legion Post 735 Honors Walter Harrison as 2013 "Legionnaire of the Year"

On Tuesday, May 14th, Commander Ron Puckett presented Walt Harrison with a plaque naming Walt as the West Seneca American Legion Post 735 2013 Legionnaire of the Year. This distinctive and coveted award was presented to Mr. Harrison dring the Legion s regular monthly meeting with Mr. Harrison's daughter in attendance.

Walt Harrison presented with Legionnaire of the Year     
Commander Ronald Puckett presents award to
"Legionnaire of the Year" to Walt Harrison
Walt Harrison accepts plaque as Legionnaire of the Year     
Walt Harrison thanks fellow Legionnaires
for honor as "Legionnaire of the Year"

Mr. Walt Harrison has attended all Post meetings and functions in the past year and has spent numerous hours working in and for the Post such as helping with the mailing of the Post newsletter and arranging speakers for the monthly Post meetings. This member has served on many Post committees and chaired the Law & Order Committee, the Scouting Committee, served as the Co-chairman of the Americanism Committee and is a member of the West Seneca Veterans Committee.

As an active church member, Mr. Harrison is very involved with his church, spending several hours a week working on bulletins and other church related duties.

As a former solder, Mr. Harrison has visited area schools and spoken to students about his experiences during his military tenure. This outstanding Legionnaire emphasizes the importance of Americanism, Patriotism, and Duty to Country to our young men and women. He continues to serve as a role model for the younger generation.

Walt Harrison s name will also be submitted to the Erie County American Legion Committee for consideration as the Erie County 2013 Legionnaire of the Year.

Legionnaire of the Year Walt Harrison

Congratulations Walt Harrison
Legionnaire of the Year

American Legion Post 735 Honors West Seneca Police Officers and Public Safety Dispatchers
April 9, 2013

On Tuesday, April 9, 2013, American Legion Post 735 held a special ceremony to honor some of West Seneca s finest. Commander Ronald Puckett and Law and Order Chairman Walt Harrison presented five Police Officers and two Public Safety Dispatchers with certificates citing their outstanding public service which benefitted our community, state and nation.

Legion Post 735 Honors Officer of the Year     
Commander Ronald Puckett presents award to "Police Officer of the Year" Robert Deppeler

Police Officer Robert Deppeler received the Officer of the Year honors for valor and heroism above and beyond the call of duty. Police Lieutenants Dave Szmania and Ed Baker, along with Police Officers Gerry Fibich, Sean Donohue and Public Safety Dispatchers Jeff Locher and Ricki Galli received Certificates of Recognition for their contributions to the community.

Legion Post 735 honors Lt Ed Baker     
Commander Puckett presents Lt. Ed Baker with Certificate of Recognition

On September 4, 2012 a disabled 14-year-old West Seneca boy was separated from his mother in the Mill Road-Cazanovia Creek area. Based on information gained from the boy, these West Seneca Police Officers and Public Safety Dispatchers, along with members of the DDSO, began a massive search to find the boy s mother. Although hampered by a thunderous rainstorm, the officers located the victim breathing but unresponsive about 10 feet from the creek s edge. Because of the quick actions by the officers, the victim was stabilized the victim and transported to safety.

Legion Post 735 honors Lt Dave Szmania     
Lt. Dave Szmania accepts Certificate of Recognition from Commander Puckett

Through their actions, these five Police Officers and two Public Safety Dispatchers distinguished himself and their department by their efforts and dedication.

Legion Post 735 honors West Seneca Police Officers     
Chairman Walt Harrison, Chief Ed Gehen, Gerry Fibish, "Officer of the Year" Robert Deppeler, Ricki Galli, Jeff Locher, Ed Baker, Dave Szmania and Sean Donohue

American Legion Post 735 salutes the Police Officers and Public Safety Dispatchers who not only keep our community safe, but help to make it a great place to live.

Stars and Stripes line divider

2012 Photo Gallery

Annual Pearl Harbor Ceremony - December 7, 2012

American Legion Post 735 hosted its annual Pearl Harbor Ceremony on Friday, December 7, 2012 at the Post. Seventy-one years ago, on December 7, 1941 history was forever changed when an unprovoked and surprise attack of 356 fighters and bombers launched from the Japanese Imperial Fleet lying hundreds of miles off the Hawaiian coast attached the American fleeet anchored in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Although ill-prepared, the beleaguered Americans fought gallantly. Again and again, countless acts of courage were played out that fateful Sunday morning as the American forces mustered what they could to fend off the enemy aircraft. When the attack was over, 18 ships, including 8 battleships, 3 light cruisers and 3 destroyers were sunk or severely damaged. More thanr 260 planes were also either destroyed or damaged. Above and beyond the material loss was the terrible human toll. 2,386 American service personnel and civilians lost their lives that day. Although Japan struck a blow against the United States and plunged our nation into World War II on that fateful December 7th morning, it did not break the spirit or will of the American people.

Legion Post 735 Honor Guard     
Members of the American Legion Post 735 Honor Guard

American Legion Post 735 held its 25th annueal ceremony to remember and honor the sacrifice and courage of America's sons and daughters who gave their lives on that, the darkest of days, a day of infamy.

Mr. Earl Wickett, a Pearl Harbor survivor, was the guest of honor. The guest speaker for the event was Congressman Brian Higgins and the members of the various West Seneca veterans groups participated in the ceremony.

2011 Photo Gallery

Veterans Day Ceremony - Walkway of Freedom - 11/11/2011

American Legion Post 735 participated in the West Seneca Veterans Day Ceremony held on November 11, 2011 at 11:00am. This year's ceremony and all future Veterans Day ceremonies will be held at the Walkway of Freedom in the West Seneca Veterans Memorial Park.

Legion Post 735 participates in ceremony     
Members of American Legion 735 participate in Veterans Day Ceremony

American Legion Post 735 Purchases Bench for Walkway of Freedom

American Legion Post 735 purchased a bench for the "Walkway of Freedom". The six-foot bench is made from recycled plastic with a cedar back/seat and a black frame. The bench was installed on the cement pad directly in front of the walkway. Veterans and their families will have a place to reflect and rest when visiting the Walkway.

Legion Post 735 Bench     
Bench has "American Legion Post 735" engraved in 2-inch letters

Legion Post 735 Bench     
American Legion Post 735 bench at Walkway of Freedom

Stars and Stripes line divider
  American Legion logo

Serving West Seneca Veterans Since 1919

American Legion logo
Post 735 is interested in your comments or suggestions.
If you have a suggestion or an idea that will help our Post serve its members better, we want to hear from you.

Contact American Legion Post 735 with your comments.